Monday, January 5, 2009

Bay Area OSM on my Garmin 60csx

I've been using an OSM map made by cloudmead for last couple of days, but it is hard to read under the sun, because streets are rendered in light gray. I've decided to generate one. I used the bounding box of bbox=-122.496,37.017,-121.807,37.84297 to cover most of the San Francisco Bay area. It roughly covers San Francisco to San Jose. It doesn't cover Northern part of the Bay area as I don't go there often.
wget -O down.osm,37.017,-121.807,37.84297
The one above no longer works in 2010. Try the following one:
wget -O down.osm,37.017,-121.807,37.84297
java -Xmx512M -jar mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp down.osm
The downloaded data was 168MB. .img file genereated by mkgmap is just about 3MB and it is quite impressive. The time to convert was only 30 secs or so.