Monday, March 9, 2009

How to overcome the boring Internet?

I wrote a blog post on how to find interesting things on the internet while back in Japanese. My argument was "don't use sites like Digg". Following what many people like is reasonably fun, but it doen't satisfy you fully. In the post, I said that I found it better to search on a random topic which you are interested in. Although I said that, I sometimes see myself still visiting Digg, a Japanese social bookmark site, various news sites, and Google reader and read through all the new stuff and I was still not satisfied (this is what I said what was going to happen). I thought about why I did this instead of doing searches. It seems that it was hard to find a good keyword to start with. It requires some brain power. Once I found A keyword, following queries are easily following, but finding the first one is actually tough. So, I thought about how to come up with the first search keyword. I think I reached to a conclusion for myself: "use". I have been using to bookmark pages which I found useful. There's no single topic on my interests and my delicious bookmarks scatter across train, graphic design, programming, and bicycle. When I need to come up with the first keyword, my past bookmarks become a good starting point. I can continue a research on the last topic. I stopped digging for some reason (felt sleepy, needed to go out), but usually not because of completely satisfying myself. The information on the Internet is bottomless. Or, I can randomly click a tag to see what I bookmarked. It allows me to pick a path of Today's expedition. The topics are always relavent to you because all the content was prepared by yourself.

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